Procurement Services That Save You Time and Money


Lightspeed Technologies - Interactive Technology Contract 053

Every student deserves access to a quality, collaborative education.  It is critical that teachers find better ways to directly access their students and engage their active participation.  Every child deserves to have its voice heard. 
Lightspeed through purposeful design, tested and refined through field-testing in schools nationwide, provides vital, wireless classroom audio solutions that are truly meaningful to educators today.  Lightspeed products ensure two-way communication, which strengthens the bond between teachers and students and between students and their peers making access to ideas, minds, and voices more powerful. 
Because classrooms vary, Lightspeed components are fully compatible and configurable to meet the specific needs of each room.
Since 1990, Lightspeed has continued to invest in research and development to provide the best technology and most reliable products to educators, students, and learning environments.  We are committed to living out our core values every day, believing that how you do something is as important as what you do.

22-053 Interactive Technology, Contract Extension #2, Valid Until November 30, 2025

KCDA Contacts

Janice Lee, Contract and Procurement Specialist

Vendor Contacts

Rick Berger - Sales